Why is the highway closed?

The unreasonable restriction imposed on the legal services corporation regarding class action suits


  • Francisco Verbic National University of La Plata


Class Actions, Legal Services for the Poor, Access to Justice, Legal Services Corporation, Economic and Cultural Barriers


In the paper I discuss the prohibition imposed by the US Congress on the Legal Services Corporation regarding the use of class action suits to provide free legal assistance to the poor. I deal with the creation of the Legal Services Corporation in the US, the scope and advantages of class actions suits (particularly in terms of access to justice), and the role this kind of procedure can play in a context of a deep economic crisis that have deepened the gap in access to the civil justice system. I argue that the aforementioned prohibition to use class actions is unreasonable per se, and that this character is even more remarkable during the current post economic scenario. Therefore, I suggest that the prohibition should be eliminated as soon as possible if there is a real interest in providing free legal services to the poor.


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Biografia do Autor

Francisco Verbic, National University of La Plata

Professor of Civil Procedure (National University of La Plata). LL.M. in International Legal Studies (New York University School of Law, 2011). Ordinary Member of the International Association of Procedural Law. Pro-Secretary of the Argentine Association of Procedural Law. Lawyer.




Como Citar

VERBIC, Francisco. Why is the highway closed? The unreasonable restriction imposed on the legal services corporation regarding class action suits. Civil Procedure Review, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 181–201, 2011. Disponível em: https://civilprocedurereview.com/revista/article/view/147. Acesso em: 5 fev. 2025.


