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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

We welcome contributions to the Civil Procedure Review. However, if you would like our Editorial Board to consider an article or any other material for publication, please note the following points:

  • Please check whether your text fits within the profile of the Review. The texts should be in written in the field of Civil Procedure or Procedural Law in general. There is no need for a specific comparison between two legal systems. Your contribution can be limited to an analysis of some aspects of Procedural Law in your own home country. In this case, we encourage authors to publish in another language other than their own, in order to reach a wider public.
  • We publish mainly in six languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese. Articles in any language other than English should provide a summary or abstract in English language. We encourage all to write or submit materials in one of these six languages. You can also submit an article in another language, but in this case our Editorial Board will evaluate the convenience of a translation and the possibilities of publishing the respective article.
  • There is no particular word limit. Besides articles, we will also consider proposals for other types of publications, including books, book reviews etc.
  • We will accept articles regardless of whether they have already been published in printed or electronic form elsewhere. Likewise, we will not object if an article published here is subsequently published in printed form elsewhere. We ask no more than a permanent (i.e., non-withdrawable) licence to publish the article on-line on our website.

Send your article to Articles are published in .PDF format, but they should be sent to us in Word (.DOC or .DOCX) format. The first page of the article should contain: title in two languages (one of them English); name of the author in English; brief description of the author’s main titles and occupations (the Editorial Board might reduce or adapt the author’s qualification to internationally known standards); Synopsys in the text language and abstract in English; up to five key-words in two languages, one of them English. Please note that if the article’s language is English, than another language is not necessary. Bibliography references should come in footnotes but complete bibliographical lists can also be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the article.
All articles are reviewed by a double blind peer review process, that is a procedure during which the author is not identified. We aim at fast publication within a short time span, but that will depend on the size of the article. We avoid conditional acceptances except when they are related to questions of form and language.

We kindly ask contributors to inform Civil Procedure Review of any type of scholarship or funding, public or private, that might have been granted as an incentive or award for the research that originated the text, as well as any other financial interests that can generate conflict of interest regarding the publishing of the text.

It is the responsibility of each author to verify that the publication of his or her contribution does not violate any copyright.


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